Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I am sleepy

This whole pregnancy thing is making me tired. Like, really, really tired. And the best part is, I am so tired, but cannot fall asleep at night because I cannot get comfortable. And when I finally fall asleep, I wake up shortly after to pee or take some tums. Sounds fun, huh?
I really cannot complain too much. I was super lucky for the first 8.5 months with no real "pregnancy symptoms." Now I have them all. At once.
The best part of all of it is that I am due in 9 days!!! That is right, folks, only 9 more days until my little angel is supposed to make his arrival! Can you believe that it is almost here. The day we have been waiting for for 39 weeks! We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and I am hoping we hear that he will be here right on time... I know they cannot tell that, but it would rock if they could. Because I have reached my limit. Ready to be not pregnant any more. It's been really fun. But, so ready to be done.

With that, I am tired and plan to go to bed early. I am leaving you with a picture because posts are boring without them. Hope everyone has a lovely night!

haha! This is the name of a restaurant in a small town near us... Just because I am going to be a mom doesn't mean I have to be mature, right?!?! :)

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