Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I wanna wish you a merry Christmas!

I wanna wish you a merry Christmas, I wanna wish you a merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart! Just imagine me singing, with a much better voice than I actually have!
This time of year makes me feel like a kid. Besides being cold, I really love Christmas. I love baking cookies (did that last weekend with my big sis and mommy), figuring out what to buy everyone, shopping, and most of all, being with those that I love. This year, I get to be with my whole extended fam! Last year I missed out on going to NYC for Christmas because I had to work... stupid adult responsibilities. But, it was my first Christmas as a wifey and that was special.

Anyway, I just want to say Merry Christmas to you all, my faithful followers! HAHA! That sounds so awful and evil! Sorry there are no pics to post, which I know makes for a lame post. So, I apologize, but promise I will make up for it with the next post. Let me know how you are spending your day. Hopefully you get everything your little heart desires, but more importantly I hope you are able to be with those that you love.

Feliz Navidad! :)

1 comment:

  1. Have you heard of cha-cha? You can text any question to them (242-242) and they will reply back with an answer. Anyway, on our way to Columbus on xmas eve, your song came Mike texted Cha-Cha and asked "When and by whom was it determined that the bottom of the heart was the sincerest part of the heart?" The answer wasn't good...but this blog post made me think of that. Hope you had a great xmas! We sure did!
