Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I used a new wedding present

Yes, I have been married to the mister for about 10 months now, and we have not opened all of our presents. Sad, but true. The ice cream maker remained in its box this whole time because it was too cold for too long. Now that it is tank-top weather (check your local listings, it is 80+ degrees here), we decided it was absolutely necessary to have home made ice cream in the freezer at all time. In case of emergency, of course.
I cannot believe how easy the whole thing was. I remember as a child we made ice cream with the hand crank machine. Each child had to take their turn for a few minutes in order to earn the right to eat the delicious goodness. This new machine, is not work at all.
We decided to try the vanilla. It's pure and simple.

1 1/2 cups whole milk
1 1/8 cup sugar
3 cups heavy cream
1 1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract

In a medium bowl mix sugar and milk on low speed with a hand mixer until the sugar is disolved (about 1-2 minutes). Add the cream and vanilla and mix. Immediately pour in the prepared frozen mixer. Mix for 20 to 25 minutes.

Check it out...
This is the ice cream maker. Cuisinart rocks...

It is cool to watch it start to thicken.

So yum. Penny was very interested in getting her bowl. And very unhappy to learn that this one was NOT hers.

Now... off to watch Glee. It's Gaga night. I have become a huge Gleek and I am not afraid to admit this.

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